The Army’s cuts, force structure changes put it on the right path
In this op-ed, retired Army Maj. Gen. John Ferrari argues that the Army's decision to make cuts to force structure, while tough, is ultimately the right one.
In this op-ed, retired Army Maj. Gen. John Ferrari argues that the Army's decision to make cuts to force structure, while tough, is ultimately the right one.
Kristyn Jones, who is performing the duties of the under secretary of the Air Force, warned that modernization initiatives aimed at countering China would also be at risk if a budget impasse in Congress stretches on.
The analysis of alternatives is needed for the program’s milestone B decision, and could help quell some lawmakers’ concerns about the Army’s acquisition strategy.
The strike group, to arrive "very soon," has practical and strategic advantages beyond just a "show of force."
“The Army is in a moment of transformation where we are really pivoting from [counterinsurgency] COIN and [counterterrorism] CT to large-scale combat operations: So, we've got to transform our force structure,” said Army Secretary Christine Wormuth.
A savvy DC veteran, Sec. Christine Wormuth didn’t outright call for Congress to go above the budget caps, but, she said, “given that we want to make sure that we are not only able to support Ukraine but that we also replenish our own stocks … a supplemental, I think, would be very helpful.”